
What Works Better – Botox, Dysport, or Juvederm?

What Works Better - Botox, Dysport, or Juvederm

Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm – are the most popular wrinkle relaxer options available. Some people might use them interchangeably, not knowing that they are different from one another. This post gives you the clear-cut differences among these three wrinkle relaxers and which of them works best.

Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm – What are Their Similarities and Differences?

Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm are all cosmetic procedures for primarily treating wrinkles; they are similar products yet different from each other. What are their similarities and differences?

Similarity: All are Cosmetic Injectables

Injectables like Juvederm, Botox, and Dysport treat typical aging skin symptoms. Cosmetic injectables are substances injected beneath the skin to address various skin problems, including wrinkles and fine lines. Cosmetic injectables are available in medical spas like Kora Aesthetics.

Botulinum toxin type A, collagen, hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, and other cosmetic injectables are popular options.

Difference: Varying in Composition

The three substances’ compositions are the main difference between them. Due to their differences in composition, these three injectables produce slightly varying results and differing efficacy.

The neurotoxin Botulinum type A is used by both kinds of wrinkle relaxers (Botox/Dysport), although not in the same quantity. Compared to Botox, Dysport utilizes less of the ingredient since it is more dilute. The concentration level of Dysport is nearly one-third that of Botox.

Botox and Dysport function differently in molecular behavior and diffusion because of differences in their botulinum type-A concentrations.

On the other hand, Juvederm does not use botulinum toxin at all. The term “dermal fillers” refers to injections of collagen, hyaluronic acid, or polylactic acid. Hyaluronic acid is what makes Juvederm a dermal filler.

Similarity: They All Primarily Treat Wrinkles

These items are all FDA-approved anti-aging remedies. Fine lines and wrinkles are treatable with Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm. They approach those issues differently due to quite different guiding concepts.

Difference: They Function Differently

Wrinkle relaxers (Botox/Dysport) relax and paralyze the muscles under the skin’s wrinkles. The human face is always expressing itself. As the skin loses its flexibility over time, those expressions cause grooves to form on the skin that covers the muscles.

Because Botox and Dysport contain botulinum toxin, it relaxes or paralyzes the muscles beneath the skin, preventing them from flexing and wrinkling. But even these two have slight differences in how they function.

Dysport spreads faster because of its lower botulinum type A concentration, especially over a larger surface area. Botox, on the other hand, spreads far more slowly and uniformly than Dysport.

Juvederm and the other two treatments differ primarily because Juvederm is a dermal filler and the others are wrinkle-relaxants.

Juvederm fills the area under the skin to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It increases the volume beneath the skin, pushing the wrinkles and grooves outward and causing the skin to seem flat on the outside.

In other words, wrinkle relaxers like Botox and Dysport relax muscles to reduce skin wrinkling, while dermal fillers like Juvederm fill the grooves of wrinkled skin to smoothen it.

Similarity: Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm are Generally Safe

Despite the fact that botulinum toxin is hazardous to humans, it can generally be used in regulated, modest doses to treat specific body parts. Botox and Dysport are minimally invasive and don’t cause skin damage.

These injections have extremely little danger in addition to being almost non-invasive. Although botulinum toxin A, the main component of Botox and Dysport, sounds somewhat like a terrible virus, it is actually a naturally occurring protein that calms muscles.

In addition to the low dangers associated with the primary active ingredient, dermatologists and other specialists carefully monitor and regulate any traces of the toxin that may enter the body after injections. However, if you feel anything is off following your injection, let your dermatologist know so they can be more certain.

Dermal fillers like Juvederm often use naturally-occurring ingredients. They have minimal risk of allergic reactions or severe adverse effects.

Difference: They Produce Slightly Different Results

Juvederm, Dysport, and Botox are all used to treat various wrinkle types.

Juvederm works best for wrinkles that are apparent while your face is relaxed.

Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid-filled smooth gel filler that repairs wrinkles by restoring the volume and fullness of the skin. Skin sagging or lost volume from aging causes noticeable wrinkles while the face is at rest.

For the following wrinkles, Juvederm is more appropriate:

  • Parentheses lines and wrinkles around the lips
  • Wrinkles surrounding the mouth
  • Wrinkles surrounding the nose

Contrarily, because the facial muscles move constantly, expression lines that form around the eyes and lips respond better to botox. Botulinum toxin, which is present in Botox, has a paralyzing action that tackles the underlying cause of deep frown lines.

For the following wrinkles, Botox works best:

  • Crow’s feet (lines at the corners of the eyes)
  • Lip lines
  • Other smaller areas with wrinkles

Dysport is more effective for glabellar and 11 lines on the forehead than Botox because it can treat a larger region much faster. On the other hand, professional injectors may like using Botox on more delicate creases and lines like crow’s feet and lip lines. Botox is ideal for tiny problem areas because it flows slowly and has a higher concentration.

What Works Better Among Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm?

Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm are fundamentally similar in many ways but also essentially different. They have varying effects and are meant to treat different types of wrinkles. None is them is objectively better than the other.

To summarize, Botox is more effective for fine wrinkles around the eyes, on the lips, and the crow’s feet. However, bigger areas like the forehead are where Dysport performs best.

Compared to Dysport, Botox takes longer to take effect and spreads more rapidly. Therefore, Dysport can be a better option if you’re in a rush.

Being a dermal filler, Juvederm is perfect for filling and plumping wrinkled areas that lost volume due to aging.

Consult with Kora Aesthetics About Botox, Dysport, or Juvederm

Kora Aesthetics provides various medical aesthetics treatments, including Botox, Dysport, and Juvederm. To inquire about our services or schedule an appointment, contact us at (430) 630-7566 or